Crysis 2 is a graphicly outstanding first-person shooter created by Crytek. Aliens are decimating New York City, only you have the technology to survive. Adapt in real time using the unique Nanosuit 2 Stealth, Armor and Power abilities, then tackle the alien menace in ways a regular soldier could only dream of.
Crysis 2 PC redefines the visual benchmark for console and PC platforms in the urban jungle of NYC. Be The Weapon.
Crysis 2 meets and exceeds all my expectations as a sequel and a next-gen shooter.
The long and diverse single player campaign is only faulted by a too simple IA, but the technical achievements Crytek was able to get will probably make up for it for most of the gamers. Add to all of this, the complex and satisfactory multiplayer and what you'll get is one of the best FPS around, both on consoles and PC.
Fantastic visuals, fast combat and clever nanosuit mechanics more than compensate for some linear leveldesign, a mediocre story and unvaried enemy design. It's not as good as the first game in the series, but it's a great shooter nonetheless.
Crysis 2 feels like a much more refined version of the first game. The plot isn't amazing, but it's much better than the first game, and the pacing is well done.
The wow factor is undercut by some AI and multiplayer oddities. But while the lows are inescapable, the highs are intense, and the more you play, the more extraordinary they become.
A tighter, louder and gaudier journey than the first, but the core sandbox gameplay still manages to occasionally shine through. It's also the best looking game the PC has ever seen. [May 2011, p.72]
Quotation forthcoming.
April 16, 2020
Crysis Remastered coming to PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch according to the website's metadata. Read more